A pharmacy is a shop where medicinal drugs are prepared or/and sold.

For an stomach upset, a headache or an untimely malaria, a pharmacy near you is probably your only choice.

And more often than not, it is the best choice.

Now, what happens when you are too sick or top busy to get to a pharmacy yourself?

This is when online pharmacies in Ghana with delivery come in handy.

Online pharmacies with delivery help you shop all your medicines and supplies online directly from the comfort of your home on any device.

These online pharmacies have web applications and mobile applications that help you shop for your drugs.

In this article, we take you through some of the top online pharmacies in Ghana that offer delivery services as well.

1. MediMart Pharmacy.
Medimart pharmacy is a pharmaceutical company which offers pharmaceutical services like consulting, prescription and distribution to its customers.

Visit their website on Medimart.com.gh, click on the home and office delivery section to fill the online form provided and place an order for the drugs you need.

They do not have a physical shop now but they deliver nationwide.

You can call them on 0302815355 to be consulted by a qualified pharmacist via phone call.

You can also call them on 0502296511 to make enquires or to place an order.

Orders are delivered within 2 hours after a pharmacist has called you to confirm your order.


2. Bedita Pharma

They are a firm that provides good quality drugs to major clinics, hospitals, pharmacies in Ghana.

They also provide for the general public.

They are experts in the manufacturing, retail, export, wholesale and distribution of drugs nationwide.

They can be located in Dzorwulo, shiashe and many other places in Accra.

Visit their website at beditapharm.com or contact them on 0555521577 for more information.


3. AddPharma
AddPharma is a pharmaceutical outlet based fully in Ghana and has a majority of its operations in the capital city, Accra.

This outlet allows you to shop for your medical equipments, skincare products, and drugs.

They also deal in a range of products all the way from supplements, toiletries, vitamims to sexual health products.

Visit their website at addpharma4u.com where you can find all their products and services, neatly placed for your quick and easy access.

The website is easy to navigate and is compatible to every device.

So no need to worry!

Call them on 0501257178 or 0244662440 for more information and enquiries.


4. Top Up Pharmacy.
Top up is also one of the best online pharmacies in Ghana with delivery to all parts of the country.

Like all the other online pharmacies mentioned, they also provide their customers with the best medical supplies and consultation.

Top up is not a full-fledged online shop. However, their website is where all the action is.

Visit them at topuppharmacy.com and fill the form to order your supplies.

In filling the form, you will have to give them your name, contact, email and prescription details.

This is done to ensure that the best product that will give you the best outcomes is delivered to you.

Call them on 0204355201 or 0303309741 for more information.

These Ghanaian online pharmacies outlined above are worth all the accolades that they receive.

Their delivery services are top-notch, timely and efficient.

On arrival at their websites, that are easy to use and navigate, they give you descriptions of the drug you’re looking for and also help you make the best choice.

We can say that pharmacies are one of the most important services or service providers in society today.

Being able to locate an online pharmacy in Ghana near you in time could be the difference between life and death.

Today, many people rely more on pharmacies than on hospitals themselves.


  • Precious Yayra

    Precious is a graduate of the University of Ghana. She loves writing about general stuff. She is a social media type and an open-minded person. Get in touch with her via preciousyayrawilson.

Post update on October 19, 2020